Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Stashing for Spring!

I've heard myself say many times that I don't stash fabrics, that I buy fabric for a project and then sew it right away. Well I am a big fat liar, or in denial. I am out of space in my craft closet and must face facts, I have a lot of stashed fabric and I want to use it. 

Some of it I bought online with other things, made the other things and stashed the rest of the fabric ( I can't just order one thing because I HATE paying for shipping). Some are from the clearance rack of my local fabric store, sometimes they have things that are so cheap I buy way too much yardage of. And some are from the garment district, and I thought I HAD to have them and now they sit in my closet. So I pulled out the fabrics that are suitable for spring/summer and am going to sew with a plan. 

I really only have plans for the bow print, which is a Marc Jacobs remnant. I think it would look cute as Colette Patterns Hazel. The line of bows would work nicely with the v-shaped bodice in the Hazel. 

The second fabric, is a also a Marc Jacobs cotton print, I only have 1.5 yards of. The print is so over-sized  that I'm not sure how it will look as a blouse.  I haven't seen what this fabric was originally used as, it would make a super cute sundress, but I don't think I have enough!

The third fabric, is a vacation print cotton, I bought at my local fabric store for $3.50 a yard and I got a little carried away and bought 5 yards of it. This will make a really cute sundress, I just have to find the right vintage pattern. I also might try to bleach it to tone down the colors a bit. 

The cherry print Anna Sui I have used before, and the lovely Gail of Today's Agenda, found some more of it near her and was nice enough to send me 3 yards of it. I think she has some too, but I have no idea what to do with it. It is a lightweight silk, very drapey, need some help deciding what it would be good for! 

The last fabric is also a silk fruit print, which was meant to be a lining in last years coat, but I thought it was too pretty just to be lining. So now I have 2.5 yards of silk and don't know what to do with it!

I'm sure some of you can relate, do you have plans for all of your fabric? Does some of it sit around forever just waiting for the perfect project? Any suggestions of what to do with the silks? 


  1. I am embarrassed about my stash... Some of it I bought when I was just starting to sew and you can imagine the quality and types of fabrics there. I've put myself on a restriction and I think I've been pretty good about it. This past week I've been a machine and I've pumped out about 3.5 garments (a dress, a top, finished a UFO from TWO years ago!!, and started another dress, which is nearly finished).

    For the second MJ print, why don't you do a combo-fabric dress? Use that as the skirt and use a solid up top (I'm thinking navy!)?

    I've never sewn with silks but have you checked out Colette's Taffy? It's part of her book.

    1. WOAH you are a machine! That's a great idea about mixing fabrics, I'll have to think about that

  2. Oh geez! I made a long comment and Blogger swallowed it!

    Anyhoo . . . I do have some of that Anna Sui print, and I'm hoping to make the Burda 7063 dress from it, if my muslin works out OK.

    I'm loving the bow print - it will make a fantastic Hazel. And I'm really swooning over that postcard print!

    I've been stashing so many fabrics and patterns lately, I finally had to make myself a spreadsheet to keep track of my spring sewing plans!

    1. OOOOh love the burda pattern, great idea! A spreadsheet is a little advanced for me, lol

  3. That Bow Marc Jacobs print is adorable!!

  4. What about this style of top for the MJ floral http://www.burdastyle.com/pattern_store/patterns/022011-top-with-shoulder-tabs. I used something similar for a big print recently as it didn't have darts so the pattern wasn't interrupted. I put an exposed zipper on the back to make it a bit more interesting. Sorry, haven't blogged it to show you, as it seemed so simple, 2 seams, facing and hem :)

    1. I do like that pattern, but that style never looks good on me, I need something more fitted. :(

  5. Your fabrics are so pretty! As far as my own stash goes, I have been busy trying to use it up this year. It is relatively small, but I'd like to keep it that way, and I have been eyeing some fabrics for projects. On the other hand, my pattern stash is what has a tendency to get more out of control!!

    1. Don't even mention pattern stash, mine is overflowing!
