Friday, January 13, 2012

Roobios Take 2

About a year ago, I tackled my first "real" dress, the Roobios by Colette patterns. It came out OK, I think it was a little big, and I hardly wore it. Since then, I have lost some weight and decided to alter Roobios. It had to be taken in everywhere, so I removed the bodice from the skirt, and took the bodice apart. I had extra fabric to cut the bodice (pieces a & b) again, and reused the other pieces.

I used a wool herringbone grey wool and a puce colored silk charmeuse for the facings, pockets, and the piping. The charmeuse was not as delicate as I thought, and was still usable. I remade the top 2 sizes smaller, and then took in the seams of the skirt accordingly. As you can see below the back was really gaping, and I'm glad it fits much better now.  

It's really amazing how much I've learned about sewing in such a short time. The dress came together in a pinch, the piping was so much easier to do, and it is much more wearable. What do you think? Have you ever remade a project? Or looked at your work in the past?


  1. I've never remade a project, but I have had to scrap big parts of ones, cut it out again, and start over. One in particular, I mistook the sleeves for scrap fabric when I was having technical issues with my 47 year old machine. I sewed several test stitching lines over them and had to redo it!

  2. very nice! looks like you got a really good fit this time. I know it's dumb but I actually feel horribly embarrassed looking at some of my old sewing, even though it's just me who is looking at it. I think I need to take some inspiration from you and look at it as 'look how far i've come' instead of my usual 'omg how could i think that was good?!" lol

  3. That looks fantastic! I'm so impressed that you were able to re-work it. I think that can be a little more difficult and intimidating that starting over. I've got a skirt I've been meaning to take in for ages, but can't seem to make myself do it!

  4. Wow it looks fantastic! Well done on loosing weight and gaining the sewing skills to do-over. I think it looks more flattering on you know that it fits better, especially around the bust area (not meant in a purvy way!)

  5. Looks fab ! Really suits you both the colour and the cut. I have just remade a dress into a skirt - so not quite the same, but it is very satisfying to use the fabric that was otherwise destined for dusters of the bin ! Well done re the weight-loss too - that's no mean feat, especially after the festive period ! xx

  6. It shows you really put effort into the little details. I love the outcome!

  7. Thanks everyone!I'm loving all the support. @kimberly it was a little embarrassing to look at what I thought was good a year ago.

  8. That is a really nice remake! I loved the first version of the dress as well, but it's awesome to see what a year of skill honing can doe. I think it's always a good thing to appreciate what you make, and acknowledge that you can probably do better next year.
