Saturday, January 22, 2011

Vogue Knitting Live

Today I went to Vogue Knitting Live in NYC. It was a disaster. A horrible, scary nightmare. Not what I thought it would be at all. Vogue Knitting should be embarrassed. It was not fitting of the Vogue Knitting name. The event was PACKED full of people. Rude, pushy, nasty knitters. It was disorganized, and not worth my $20.

This is what basically sums up the event. Crowds of people surrounding ugly frumpy merchandise. Old lady sweaters with no shaping, eyelash yarns, novelty yarn, and general scariness at every turn.  There was two ladies walking around wearing knitted technicolor dream coats. The booths were geared towards scary cat knitting ladies. Everything that is bad about knitting crammed into two floors of marketplace.

Debbie Stoller, of Stitch and Bitch fame presented her book (which she didn't have with her) and held up samples of the projects from Stitch and Bitch Superstar Knitting, and passed them around. It also was not organized.

What the marketplace was lacking was a presence from some actual yarn companies. The only booth I saw was Rowan, but it was the smallest booth possible and they only had a few UGLY, unshapely sweaters on display. Nothing to buy, or present. What is shocking to me as a knitter is that in two floors of yarn there wasn't a skein of Manos Del Uruguay to be found. I wish there was a Blue Sky Alpaca booth with yarn, or a Debbie Bliss booth. Lion Brand had a booth, but to me that doesn't count.

My LYS, Down Cellar had a booth, with some really nice yarns and patterns. They were displaying some patterns from local designers, Through the Loops and my favorite Lindsay Ingram / VerbenaKnits. I can't wait to make her "I Carry your Heart" hat. The designer and I are pictured above with it.

The best part of the event was the Soak booth. I LOVE SOAK. I was standing there smelling the scents that were new and told the soak lady about by schmutz on my sweater I was wearing. She offered to take me in the bathroom and fix spot because she's a pro. She was so sweet and it turned out she was the president and founder Jacqueline Sava! That was some customer service. I bought the Soak scent Unleash, it smells appley. I already have the aquae and I use it to was all the knits, my hand wash and my unmentionables. So I loved Soak before, but now I love them even more!
I need to rest now after my overwhelming, traumatic day.  


  1. Traumatic doesn't even begin to describe the events of today...with the exception of brunch. That was fantastic!

  2. Gah ... so surprised that this event was a fail. Glad I couldn't make it after all. Thanks Erika for describing it all.

  3. Have to post again after re-reading your post. Can't stop laughing at:

    "There was two ladies walking around wearing knitted technicolor dream coats. The booths were geared towards scary cat knitting ladies. Everything that is bad about knitting crammed into two floors of marketplace".

    By the way, you look great!


  4. How disappointing! At least you got to meet Lindsay Ingram (CUTE heart hat! I want to make it!) and talk with the Soak founder. Your yellow sweater is so cute on you. :)

  5. Thank you so much for the review! I wanted to go but then too many things happened and I completely forgot about the event! Now, I am not sad any longer. By the way, I have never used Soak, but will try now since you recommend it!

